January 2023 NHS Newsletter

January 2023 NHS Newsletter

Happy New Year! Thanks to everyone who came to the December meeting to celebrate the holidays with good food, gift exchange and lots of fun together.
Our Jan. 28 program will be the annual Soup/Sides meeting. Members bring their favorite soup and/or sides and we sample a variety of soup types and styles — yum! Please bring a written description about your soup (ingredients, etc) in case anyone has allergy or other dietary restrictions. Also, please be ready to talk about your dish. Bowls and spoons will be available, but some savvy members know to
bring a muffin pan so they can sample multiple soups in one container.
We look forward to seeing you at the January meeting to sample and hear about your soups. Also featured is an Herb of the Month
presentation by Josie talking about the Herb of the Year – Ginger.

  • Amber and Jenni, Your NHS Program Coordinators

2023 Jan NHS Newsletter