January 2024 Newsletter

January 2024 Newsletter

Welcome, 2024, and With It, Herb Poetry

Hello to 2024! NHS programming chairs Jenni Dougherty and Jill Kuhel have a full year of great programs to look forward to. A great escape from this winter chill! I was searching the internet for new stuff on herbs and found “Busy Izzy and Friends”
at https://www.youtube.com/@BusyIzzyandFriends/releases. It is a charming channel that your children or grandchildren might enjoy. The poem below is from the channel and gets me ready to get out in the sun.

“My friends and I planted herbs in pots, brightly colored with yellow spots. PARSLEY, CHIVES, a HINT OF MINT, BASIL, THYME, and ROSEMARY help to make healthy food taste EXTRA…ORD…INARY.”

Herbs are plants with leaves and seeds that flavor foods. They are not weeds. Herbs can grow in a garden or pot, used for cooking, and used a lot. Some insects and certain bees pollinate herb varieties.

“Fresh or dry they’re flavoury,
Snaxalicious and savoury.
In fruit salads or in tea
Herbs are great for you and me.
Boiled, baked, steamed or stewed!
Home-grown herbs for wholesome food.”
— Busy Izzy

Have a great start to 2024 and dream about all the gardening to come!

  • President, Jane McGee

January 2024 Newsletter